sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012

True Story (not)

Textinho antigo meu, sei lá de quando (entre 2004 e 2008), que estava abandonado lá na minha conta do Multiply. Só achei porque tive de deletar a conta, já que (infelizmente) o Multiply está se transformando em um site de ecommerce, e vai deixar de oferecer suporte a mídias sociais...hunf!

Bom, segue aí o texto...alguém conhece todas as referências de filmes e músicas nele?!

...and so it was how it happened. 
Some day, just Before Sunrise, I wandered by dark streets, all alone, just thinking about love...tough task, 'cause Love actually is like a House of Sand and Fog, and to the first wind that blows a bit stronger, it falls down... 
To love is a dangerous thing, for love is full of Collateral effects...we dream too much, and never worry about What dreams may come...sometimes, these dreams turn into something we can't handle...sometimes, we wake up from the illusion our heart creates, and we don't like what we see then... 

And, so I went...thinking about my love...thinking about The Story of Us... 

...I found a place to stay, on my own...I grabbed The Notebook in which I kept all of the best memories I had about that love, some thoughts, some feelings put to the paper...and, I threw it away... Just couldn't take it wasn't fair to keep on fading away like that, just because of a dream that turned into a tough reality...I had to move on... 

So, I opened my eyes...not knowing whether I had just dreamed all of this, or not... ...and, just then, it started to rain...a November Rain...right Before Sunset!!! 

My soul was being washed by the coming THE LAST REMAINING LIGHT

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